After many months of contemplating, I finally gave in and started a blog. I had been contemplating for months as to whether or not I would start one. It almost seems redundant since blogging is just a glorified way of Facebooking, but I figured I ought to at least give it a try. So... here we go!!
My first official blog is underway and my mind is drawing a blank. Normally I have much more to say about the world's problems, not to mention my own, but I guess feel a little intimidated by my blog. I think I will save my "Wo Is Me" speech for at least my third post. For now, I will just be satisfied with life and call it good!
I am hoping that creating and updating a blog is much easier than the 107 books about blogging at the Durango Public Library make it out to be. If there are that many books about blogging, can it really be easy for a computer-illiterate person such as myself? As Enya said in her famous song, "Who can say (insert the new lyrics of 'how hard blogging is' here)... Only Time."
To wrap up my first blog, I would like to end with a big thank you to all my readers and followers. Even though I don't have any now, I am confident that I will eventually get some. And if not, oh well! I still have freinds on Facebook!
As an avid Kayla fan, I love it! I've been trying to be better about my blog too lately and i like it. I found you can really explain things you just can't sum up on facebook.